

we've all seen it. 

all the social media posts of cute couples. instagram has accounts devoted to making young girls desperate for love jealous. and for changing the healthy view on relationships.

lately i've been struggling with the title 'single'. i felt that i need a guy to be happy or feel content. 

and how can i call myself a Christian when that is my attitude on dating? God is my only need, he is what fulfils my emptiness. a guy can't, and neither can chocolate (sorry all chocolate lovers, you may shame me in the comments). 

it took me a long time to be content with what i had and accept God's awesome plan for my life. i learnt that God has an amazing guy planned for me (and you!!) in the future and we only need to be patient. God will show me when it is the right time to date, and he will bring us to the right guy. we need only be still and pray. 

much love,
miss h



Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Matthew 6:34

we are all guilty of worrying too much. i personally worry about everything. just recently, i said to my mum "when i am not stressing or worrying about anything, i feel that i am not doing anything". that is most definitely not a healthy thing. i drive myself crazy because i worry. 

i am a crazy, no sense type of person. how am I meant to get anything done while worrying? that's the point... i don't. i think that while i worry it makes me get along with life, but instead i get too stressed and to upset about life. when i sit back and calm down, that's when my life starts getting productive. 

life isn't meant to be spent worrying, it's meant to be spent living and loving God. i just need to step back and let God deal with it. i am merely a human being, i cannot solve the problems i got myself into, and worrying won't solve them either. only God can fix my mess. 

maybe you worry too? instead of stressing yourself out, take a step back and pray. God has everything under control, just relax. grab a book and some lemonade, lets enjoy life. 

much love,
miss H


when doubt pulls you down

we all have those tough moments when doubt overwhelms you and you begin to fear. for me, it happens just before a race/competition or a test. i get so nervous, then i doubt my abilities, and then i fear failure. we have all been in that doubt filling situation.

so lets be plain about it, 

it sucks.

but it is completely unnecessary.

why? cause God is good. he listens to all we have to say and is with us every step of the way. there is no need to doubt ourselves when God is within us. He will help your nerves settle before the race and he will bless you with wisdom for your tests, just come to him. he is so good, and nothing is impossible with God.

much love,
Miss H


the inconsistency of this blog

as many of you know, i am a very inconsistent person, and this blog has seen many changes.

but one thing that has never changed is the feeling that i want this to be a place where you feel you. where you can feel encouraged and loved by Jesus Christ.

and i honestly hope that is how you perceive my randomness and inconsistency.

so in a few more months or so, they may be some small changes in this blog to make this place feel more free :) i will be coming to God on this topic, and i hope you can echo my prayers.

please feel free to comment below on how you think this blog can resemble God more xx

let this be a place where God's love shines.

lots of love,
Miss H